Business Office

The Business office maintains the financial records of all students. The office provides a variety of services including taking payments, helping students with financial concerns and responding to all non-financial aid related questions regarding billing.

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Office Location:
The Business office is located in Building # 5, Rm 509

Meet Our Staff

Name / TitlePhone Number
Rachel Gutkowski, Student Accounts Control570-740-0343
Erin Herman, Vice President of Finance570-740-0367
Joshua Rieder, Assistant Director of Accounting570-740-0361
Bryanne Salvo, Director of Accounting570-740-0364
Marissa Siepietowski, Finance Division Floater570-740-0365

Submitting Documents

The following are available to submit requested documents or information:

Phone: (800) 377-5222


Mailing Address:
  Luzerne County Community College
  Business Office
  521 Trailblazer Drive
  Nanticoke, PA 18634