Student Registration and Orientation

Register for Fall 2025 and Winter Intersession 2026 Classes

Freshman Students

  1. Attend Orientation or Meet with Advisor
  2. Find My Advisor
  3. Register In Person

Visiting Students

Students attending LCCC from another college will not be assigned an LCCC advisor. Please register online or by email and contact the Registrar's Office at 570-740-0339.

Freshman Student Orientation
Orientation will occur at most campus locations during the Spring and Summer months. You will be able to meet with an academic advisor to review and discuss your freshman schedule as well as receive vital information necessary to be successful in college. A link will be available to RSVP during the Months of April through August for main Campus students while you will receive an invitation from the Center Director if you are taking classes at another LCCC location.

Main Campus Students - Register for Orientation

Dedicated Center Students - Register for Orientation with your Center Advisor

Registration Options

Register In Person
Academic advisors are available to help you to register for classes, change your major, review academic progress and discuss transferring beyond LCCC to further your education. All new Freshman students are required to attend orientation or to meet with their advisor prior to registering for classes to ensure proper steps are taken to meet academic and career goals.

Main Campus Students - Make an Appointment with Your Advisor

Dedicated Center Students - Make an Appointment with your Center Advisor

Register by Email
If you would like to register for classes via email, please email your advisor.

Visiting Students: Email Please be sure to verify transferability of courses with your home institution before registering for classes as LCCC staff do not make any determination regarding transfer for non-degree seeking students.

You MUST email from your LCCC Student Email account (''). Emails will not be honored if sent via any other account.

Create Student Email Account

Please include:

  • Name
  • Student ID
  • Number of credits/classes you are hoping to take
  • Your availability for classes
  • Class Type (In-Person or Online)

Register using Self Service
Students who have successfully completed at least 15 credits and have a 2.5+ GPA can utilize Self Service to register for classes without the permission of a counselor or advisor.

Register using Self Service