
* Dedicated Center
Class Location:
Marketplace at Steamtown
300 Lackawanna Avenue
Scranton PA 18503
1-800-377-5222 ext 7210
Welcome to the Scranton Center!
Located on the second floor of the Marketplace at Steamtown Mall on Lackawanna Avenue in downtown Scranton, the Center offers both day and evening classes for residents of Lackawanna and surrounding counties. In addition to the many credit courses offered, the Center offers short-term, credit-free classes. Career counseling, academic advisement, placement testing, course registration, and tutoring assistance are among the services available at the Center. Our professional staff looks forward to meeting you and assisting you with your transition to college life.
No matter what your long-term goal is, the Scranton Center is an excellent place to begin. The Center offers students seeking transfer to a four-year college many of the core or general education courses needed. Through agreements with various local colleges and universities, students can also complete an associate degree and transfer the entire degree to a participating four-year school. While some programs require that students travel to our main campus for specialized courses, there are several programs that can be completed in their entirety at the Scranton Center. We also welcome visiting students who are meeting requirements at their home college or university. High school students are given the opportunity to take courses through our Dual Enrollment, Young Scholars, and In-School Youth programs. Our goal is to work with our students in providing the best options for each student's individual needs.
Contact 570-740-0210 to schedule a visit. We look forward to working with you!
Julie Lenio
Director, Scranton Extension Center
Success is closer than you think!
* * * Center Announcements * * *
Request a meeting with your Scranton Center advisor CLICK HERE TO REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT AT THE SCRANTON CENTER |