Upcoming Dinosaurs in Action Art Camp Courses

Each session will center on the exploration and artistic depiction of the diverse classifications of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals. Students will acquire knowlede about when and where dinosaurs lived as well as what their fossilized remains tell us. Students will embark on a creative journey, applying their insights to the imaginative task of crafting their own undiscovered or hybrid dinosaur species.

LocationStart DateEnd DateDays/TimesSessionsTuitionHoursRegister
Communication Arts Building - Advanced Technology Center07/14/202507/18/2025M-F
5$907.51. Print, complete, and mail in the Registration Form
2. Payment can be mailed with the Registration Form OR you may pay online here:
Please note: Registration is not complete until we receive the Registration Form and payment. Questions? Please call (570) 740-0480.

Dinosaurs in Action Art Camp

Career Photo

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Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs