Call for vendors for LCCC's 35th annual Craft Festival
The 43rd Annual Suzanne Maria Rossetti Memorial Juried Art Exhibit will open on Sunday, March 2 from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Schulman Gallery, Luzerne County Community College, Nanticoke, PA. The public is invited to the art exhibition as well as the awards ceremony which follows at 4:00 p.m. in the James T. Atherton Gymnasium. Tours will also be given of the LCCC Art Department at 2:00 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. by members of the faculty.
Joe and Sue Hand of Dallas have sponsored the Suzanne Maria Rossetti Memorial Juried Art Contest for the past 43 years in memory of the daughter of the late Peter & Louise Rossetti of Saugus, MA. Artworks in pencil, pastel, watercolor, acrylic, oil, ink, scratchboard, mixed media, fibers, photography, prints, miniature drawings and paintings, 3-D fine arts, and 3-D applied design were created by 7th through 12th grade students associated with the geographic areas of Dallas, Lehman, Tunkhannock, or Northwest. Entries were judged separately on each grade level in twelve different categories by two panels of three judges each. In addition, a separate awards jury awarded over $8,000 in community-sponsored awards.
Students from the school districts of Dallas, Lake-Lehman, Northwest Area and Tunkhannock areas will have artworks on display and recipients of the community
sponsored awards will be announced at the Opening Reception on Sunday, March 2.
The public is invited to view this exhibit of winning art works during the opening reception on Sunday, March 2 continuing through Wednesday, April 9 at the Schulman Gallery, LCCC, 521 Trailblazer Drive (Building #14 ? Campus Center), Nanticoke. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Special Saturday hours will be held March 15 and March 29 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
For additional information, contact Heather Madeira at 570-675-5094.